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International Conference


Minsk, Belarus
September 22 – 25, 2025









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issue content (2023)

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Title page

ISSN (Print)     2663-9939

ISSN (Online)  2706-9060


Interaction of Radiation with Solids : Proceedings of the 15th International Сonference, Minsk, Belarus, September 26–29, 2023 / Belarusian State Univ. ; ed.: V. V. Uglov (ed.-in-chief) [et al.]. – Minsk : BSU, 2023. – 569 p.







On the Occasion of Centenary of the Birth of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Anton Antonovich Labuda



Section 1 Processes of Radiation and Plasma Interaction with Solids


A.V. Borzdov, V.M. Borzdov, A.N. Petlitsky

Monte Carlo Simulation of Current Photoresponce in Silicon Photodiode


V.I. Shymanski, Zhang Zeyu

Thermal Effect and Stress Simulation in Zirconium after Pulsed Plasma Impact


I.I. Azarko, Yu.A. Bumay, Lyu Dinchen, Yu.V. Sidorenko, M.G. Lukashevich, V.B. Odzaev

Modification of Optical Characteristics of Polyimide Films in Serial Boron and Nitrogen Ion Implantations


A.V. Aksiuchyts, D.A. Kotov, B.Z. Hamadneh, K.K. Zheliaznova

Increase the Ceramic Substrates Surface Hydrophilicity by Treatment in Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure


Evgeny R. Burmistrov, Lev P. Avakyants

Temporal Forms of Terahertz Pulses Generated using Led’s Heterostructures with InxGa1-xN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells


V.N. Varyukhin, V.V. Malashenko, T.I. Malashenko

Effect of Laser Irradiation on Inelastic Processes in Aged Alloys


Sergey Vasiliev, Aleksey Ivanov, Edgar Karpovich, Anastasiya Sitkevich

Heating of Surfaces of Metals under Action of Laser Pulses with Complicated Temporal Form


Е.S. Voropay, M.N. Kovalenko, N.A. Alekseenko, А.P. Zajogin

Investigation of the Influence of the Ablation Angle on the Depositation Processes of Gas-Sensitive Nanofilm Resistors from Copper Oxides during Laser Spraying of Copper in Air Atmosphere


Е.S. Voropay, M.N. Kovalenko, N.A. Alekseenko, А.P. Zajogin

Investigation of the Influence of the Ablation Angle on the Depositation Processes of Gas-Sensitive Nanofilm Resistors from Copper Oxides Doped with Iron during Laser Spraying of Copper and Iron in Air Atmosphere


Е.S. Voropay, M.N. Kovalenko, N.A. Alekseenko, L.V. Markova

Investigations of the Influence of the Process of Redeposition of Oxides of Cu and Al on the Rate of Punching of a Target by Twin Laser Pulses


V.Yu. Zheleznov, T.V. Malinskiy, Yu.V. Khomich, V.E. Rogalin, S.A. Filin

Laser Etching of Metals and Semiconductors as an Alternative to Chemical Etching


Timofey Zhurin, Eduard Komov, Stanislav Shandarov, Marina Kisteneva

Study of Optical Absorption Spectra in a Copper-Doped Lithium Niobate Crystal


A.P. Zajogin, N.A. Arekhava, A.O. Pukhteev, R.A. Charitonchik

Investigations of the Influence of the Composition of Iron and Iron-Stone Meteorites on the Temperature of Near-Surface Laser Plasma by the LAEMS Method


K.F. Znosko, S.D. Leshchyk, A.А. Liskovich

Laser Ablation of Non-Ferrous Metals by Double Nanosecond Pulses of YAG:Nd3+ Laser


K.F. Znosko, A.А. Liskovich

Factors of Growth in the Efficiency of Interaction of Dual Laser Pulses with Substance


K.F. Znosko, A.А. Liskovich, A.A. Kazmin

Estimation of the Temperature in the Crater Formed Nanosecond Laser Radiation


Tamara Koval, Maxim Vorobyov, Pavel Moskvin, Dmitry Shpanov

Formation of a Temperature Field in the Surface of Materials by a Submillisecond Modulated Electron Beam Generated in a Source with a Plasma Cathode


V.S. Kovivchak

Effects of a High-Power Ion Beam of Nanosecond Duration on Polymeric Materials


V.А. Kot

Problem on the Penetration of a Radiative Energy Flux into a Solid Body (Marshak Wave)


V.А. Kot

Radiative Thermal Conductivity of Bodies with Time-Variable Surface Temperature


Hanna Kuraptsova, Alexander Danilyuk

Charging Properties of theTiO2/Si Heterostructure under Solar Irradiation


Alexander Mitulinsky, Stepan Linnik, Alexander Gaydaychuk,
The Possibility of Introducing Carbon Nanotubes in the Structure of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Films


Anton Nazarov, Vladimir Chernysh, Alexey Ieshkin, Dmitrii Kireev

The Differential Quantities of Metal Surfaces Sputtering by Gas Cluster Ions


Vasily Poplavsky, Igor Pobol, Andrey Drobov

Investigation of Phase Formation Processes during Ion-Plasma Nitriding of Titanium Alloys


Polina Roshchenko, Vladislav Volchek, Yuri Snitovsky, Ivan Lovshenko

A Compact Model of a Silicon Microstrip Detector


Ludmila Semenova

Resonant Scattering under Two-Photon Excitation in A2B6 Semiconductors with the Wurtzite Structure


E.M. Tolstopyatov, L.F. Ivanov, P.N. Grakovich, L.A. Kalinin

Dinamics Analysis of Laser Ablation of Polymers


Anton G. Trafimenko, Andrew V. Kukharev, Olga M. Chernausik, Denis A. Podryabinkin, Alexander L. Danilyuk

Charging Properties of Silicon/Graphene Heterostructure in Contact with Stationary Discharge Plasma


V.A. Firago, N.V. Levkovich, O.R. Lyudchik, S.G. Slavinsky

Continuous Spectral Control of Laser Processes of Modification of Transparent Materials


M.A. Shevchenko, S.F. Umanskaya, A.D. Kudryavtseva, K.I. Zemskov, N.V.  Tcherniega

Increasing Luminescence Efficiency of Microcrystals Suspensions with Freezing



Section 2 Radiation Effects in Solids

A.P. Chaynikov, A.G. Kochur, A.I. Dudenko, V.A. Yavna

Monte Carlo Simulation of Energy Reemission by a Gold Nanoparticle under Photon Irradiation


A.G. Kochur, A.P. Chaynikov, A.I. Dudenko

Reemission of Energy by Ionized Atoms during the Cascade Decay of Inner-Shell Vacancies


Alexey Markov, Evgenii Yakovlev

Heating of Materials with a Wide Class of Pulsed Electron Beams


E.V. Teterukov, V.V. Uglov, A.K. Kuleshov, E.A. Kolesnikova, D.P. Rusalsky

Modeling of Temperature Fields and Track Formation in Indium Antimonide during Irradiation with High-Energy Krypton Ions


Xiaoyun Le, Xiang Yu, Shijian Zhang, Mofei Yu

X-Ray Analysis of IPIB Instability and IPIB Irradiation Influences on Target Surface Microstructure


Yiming Wang, Xin Wang, Chunling Xu, Bo Yu

Effect of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Elavated Temperature Fatigue of Shot-peened Titanium Alloy


I.I. Azarko, Yu.V. Sidorenko, I.A. Karpovich, O.V. Ignatenko, G.V. Sharonov, G.А. Gusakov

Effect of Electron Irradiation on the Transformation of Nitrogen-Containing Defects in HPHT Diamonds


B.S. Amanzhulov, I.A. Ivanov, A. Ryskulov, A.E. Kurakhmedov, Y.O. Ungarbayev

Thermodynamic Parameters of High-Entropy Alloys CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi Irradiated by He2+ Ions


Viktor Belko

Model of the Formation of Defect Clusters in Ion-Irradiated Silicon: Compact Version


D.I. Brinkevich, E.V. Grinyuk, V.S. Prosolovich, V.V. Kolos, O.A. Zubova

Radiation-Induced Processes in Negative Photoresist Films on Single-Crystal Silicone


D.I. Brinkevich, E.V. Grinyuk, V.S. Prosolovich, V.V. Kolos, O.A. Zubova, S.B. Lastovskii

Attenuated Total Reflection Spectra of Electron-Irradiated Polyimide Films


N.I. Gorbachuk, N.A. Poklonski, K.A. Yermakova, S.V. Shpakovski

Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy of Al/SiO2/n-Si Structures Irradiated with Helium Ions


S.V. Zlotski, I.D. Prikhodko, I.S. Mikityuk

Surface Microstructure of Nanostructured ZrN/Si3N4 Coatings Irradiated with Helium Ions


Nadezhda Kashchenko, Mikhail Kashchenko

Massive Electron Pairs as Objects of Radiation Materials Science


A.L. Kozlovskiy

Study of Radiation Embrittlement and Polymorphic Transformations in ZrO2 Ceramics


Sh.K. Kuchkanov, Kh.B. Ashurov, B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.M. Adilov, S.E. Maksimov, Sh. Makhmudov, A.I. Kamardin

Influence of Neutron Irradiation and Ion Treatment on the Generation of EMF and Charge Carriers in Epitaxial Silicon Film p-n-Structures


S.B. Lastovskii, V.B. Odzaev, A.N. Pyatlitski, V.S. Prosolovich, E.V. Tochilin, D.V. Shestovsky, V.Yu. Yavid, Y.N. Yankovsky

Peculiarities of Changing the Barrier Capacity of p-i-n-Photodiodes under Irradiation with 60Co g-Quanta


I.F. Medvedeva, V.P. Markevich, E.A. Fadeeva, D.А. Aharodnikau

Influence of Preliminary Heat Treatments on Processes of Radiation-Induced Defect Formation in p-Si Crystals


Sergei Miskevich, Alexander Komarov, Vera Yuvchenko, Alexei Ermolaev, Shpakovski Sergei, Yuri Bogatyrev, Galina Zayats

Effect of 4 MeV Electron Irradiation on the Operating Characteristics of Silicon BJTS


M.A. Mokeev, M.S. Vorobyov, S.Yu. Doroshkevich, M.S. Torba, R.A. Kartavtsov

Research of Adhesive Properties of Polyethylene Films Modified by an Electron Beam in the Atmosphere


A.A. Nikolskaya, D.S. Korolev, A.N. Mikhaylov, A.V. Kudrin, V.N. Trushin, P.A. Yunin, M.N. Drozdov, A.A. Konakov, A.A. Revin, E.V. Okulich, D.I. Tetelbaum

Some Features of Ion Implantation in Ultrawide Band Gap Semiconductor β-Ga2O3


Andrey P. Odrinsky

Investigation of Charge Thermal Delocalization of Monocrystal TlGaSe2 in the Temperature Region 220-260 K


B.L. Oksengendler, S.Kh. Suleymanov, N.N. Nikiforova, A.F. Zatsepin, A.S. Doroshkevich, Zh.V. Mezentseva, S.E. Maksimov, Kh.B. Ashurov

Influence of the Chiral Structure of Objects on Radiation Effects



Section 3 Radiation Influence on the Structure and Properties of Materials

E.A. Kolesnikova, E.V. Teterukov

Effect of Krypton Irradiation on the Surface Morphology of Indium Antimonide Films on Gallium Arsenide Substrates


Azamat Ryskulov, Igor Ivanov, Bauyrzhan Amanzhulov, Alisher Kurakhmedov, Mikhail Koloberdin

Structure and Phase Composition of WNb Alloy Formed by Compression Plasma Flows Impact


Ting Wang, I.N. Parkhomenko, F.F. Komarov

Effect of Pulsed Laser Annealing on Optical Properties of Silicon Implanted with Selenium and Manganese


Igor Zh. Bunin, Maria V. Ryazantseva, Irina A. Khabarova

Influence of Low-Temperature Plasma of Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Air on Surface and Technological Properties of Natural Perovskite


S.A. Vabishchevich, N.V. Vabishchevich, D.I. Brinkevich, Yu.N. Yankouski

Strength and Adhesion Properties of Positive Photoresist FP9120 Films Implanted with Silver Ions


N.G. Valko, V.M. Anishchik, D.I. Bogdevich

Study of the Influence of X-Ray on the Corrosion Resistance of Styrene-Acryl Paint Coatings


N.G. Valko, Andrew Kasperovich, V.V. Babrova, N.S. Ragozhkin

Effect of X-Ray Radiation on the Elastic-Strength Properties of NBR Elastomers


V.N. Vasilets, Yu.O. Velyaev, N.A. Torkhov, L.V. Potopakhin, A.A. Mosunov, M.P. Evstigneev

Modification of Orthopedic Polymer Materials under the Action of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation


P.N. Degtyarenko, V.A. Skuratov, A.V. Ovcharov, A.M. Petrzhik, V.K. Semina, S.Y. Gavrilkin, M.S. Novikov, A.Y. Maliavina

The Influence of 167 MeV Xe Ion Irradiation on the Superconducting Properties of 2G HTS


Irina Dyachkova, Denis Zolotov, Andrey Kumskov, Ivan Volchkov, Valentin Berestov, Egor Matveev

Peculiarities of the Carbonization of Lint Cotton Samples Using Microwave Radiation


D.V. Esipenko

Structure and Phase Changes in Titanium after Plasma Treatment and High-Temperature Oxidation


M.O. Efimov, V.E. Gromov, Yu.F. Ivanov, Yu.A. Shlyarova, I.A. Panchenko

Analysis of Changes in the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of the Surface Layer of the Al-Cr-Fe-Co-Ni High-Entropy Alloy Modified by Electron-Ion-Plasma Treatment


M.V. Zhidkov, E.V. Golosov, G.V. Potemkin, M.Yu. Gazizova, S.K. Pavlov

Influence of the Initial State on the Structure of the Surface Layer of Steel after High-Power Ion Beam Explosure


Mary Jhukava, О.V. Milchanin, L.S. Novikov, V.N. Chernik

Atomic Oxygen Irradiation of Polymer Composites Based on Carbon Nanostructures for Creating Anti-Reflective Coatings


I.A. Ivanov, V.V. Uglov, A.E. Ryskulov, B.S. Amanzhulov, A.E. Kurakhmedov, Yе.O. Ungarbayev

Study of Segregation in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys


Yaraslava Kavaliova

Physics and Mechanical Properties of PtFe after Prolonged Laser Ablation


Maksim Kovalenko, Ilya Kondrus

Implantation of Krypton Ions into the Surface Layer of a High-Entropy Hf-Nb- Zr-Ti Alloy and V-4Cr-4Ti Alloy


Zhanymgul Koishybayeva, Sergey Pavlov, Fedor Konusov, Dmitrii Sidelev, Artur Nassyrbayev, Dmitry Cheshev, Ruslan Gadyrov, Vladislav Tarbokov, Elena Polisadova, Abdirash Akilbekov

Radiation Resistance to Short-Pulsed Ion Irradiation of Thin Gallium Oxide Films


Ilya Kondrus, Maxim Kovalenko

Effect of Krypton Ion Irradiation on the Structural-Phase State of High-Entropy Alloys Based on Ni-Co-Fe-Cr-Mn


E.A. Korneeva, V.A. Skuratov, A.S. Sohatsky, A.M. Korsunsky, A.I. Salimon, E.S. Statnik, P.A. Somov, T.N. Vershinina

Mechanical Properties of the Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Steels: in Situ Micropillar Compression


Evgeniya Krutsilina, Maksim Tereshko

Oxidative Stability of T15K6 Hard Alloy Alloyed with Zirconium under High-Energy Plasma Irradiation


A.E. Ligachev, M.V. Zhidkov, G.V. Potemkin, S.K. Pavlov, V.A. Tarbokov, E.V. Golosov

Influence of a High Power Ion Beam on the Topography and Structure of the Pyrographite and Silicon Surface


O.R. Lyudchik, M.V. Lobanok

Photoelectric Characteristics of Barrier Structures 3С-SiC/Si


O.M. Marchenko, A.P. Yakovlev, D.K. Minnebaev, D.S. Kireev, A.A. Shemukhin, A.P. Evseev, A.S. Erofeev, A.D. Shporin

Features of the Formation of Ion-Induced Microrelief on the Surface of Polydimethylsiloxane


Sergey Mikolutskiy, Taras Malinskiy, Radmir Khasaya, Yury Khomich

Influence of UV Laser Nanosecond Pulses on the Surface of Chromium Bronze


О.V. Milchanin, F.F. Komarov, М.А. Мokhovikou, I.S. Rahavaya, I.N. Parkhomenko, N.N. Koval, А.D. Teresov, О.V. Коrolik, Elke Wendler

Structure and Optical Properties of Silicon Hyperdoped with Indium and Arsenic: Effect of Electron Beam Annealing


P.Y. Misiyuk, N.I. Valynets, G.V. Gorokhov, E.V. Tochilin, G.V. Golubtsov, M.A. Kazakova

Effect of g-Irradiation on the AgNi/MWCNT-Polymethyl-Metacrylate Composites Properties


U.V. Mahilny, V.S. Stepura, E.A. Khramtsou, A.P. Shkadarevich

Modification of the Phase Properties of Polymer Layers by Photo-Transformations of Side Anthracene Groups


N.I. Moroz

Modification of the Structure and Properties of Electrical Steel by Accelerated Electrons


T.V. Panova, V.S. Kovivchak, T.V. Chernikova

Influence of High-Power Ion Beam Irradiation of Nanosecond Duration on the Atmospheric Corrosion of Magnesium


Irina Parkhomenko, Liudmila Vlasukova, Alexander Kamyshan, Ivan Parfimovich,
Vladimir Chernik

Oxygen Plasma and UV-Radiation Effect on Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Films on Glass


N.I. Poliak, V.M. Anishchik, A.E. Ligachev, G.V. Potemkin, S.K. Pavlov

Modification of the Structure and Phase Composition of the Steel Surface Layer by a Powerful Pulsed Ion Beam


M.A. Porfiriev, Yu.F. Ivanov, V.E. Gromov, Yu.A. Shlyarova, R.E. Kryukov

Fine Structure of Haeutectoid Steel Rails during Operation


Ivan Romanov, Fadei Komarov, Elke Wendler

Electrical Properties of Silicon Oxide Layers Implanted with High Fluences of Tin Ions


T. Sviridova, V. Odzhaev, D. Sviridov

Oxidation Activity of Titania-Based Heterooxide Film Composites under Natural Light Illumination of Varible Intensity


E.N. Stepanova, G.P. Grabovetskaya, M.A. Kruglyakov, R.S. Laptev, A.D. Teresov Effect of Irradiation with a Pulsed Electron Beam on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Zr-Nb-H System Alloy


Anton Teresov, Vladimir Denisov, Nikolay Koval, Nikolay Ratakhin, Aleksandr Shmakov

On the Results of the Project «In Situ Methods of Synchrotron Investigations of Multilayer Functional Structures with Unique Parameters and Properties Created by the Method of Beam-Plasma Surface Engineering»


A.K. Fedotov, I.E. Tyschenko, V.Yu. Slabukha, J.A. Fedotova

Electronic Conductivity Mechanism of SiO2 Films Implanted with High Doses of In+ and Sb+ Ions



V.A. Cheremnykh, G.G. Volokitin, A.A. Klopotov, D.A. Ivanova

Modification of the Surface of Cedar Samples during Plasma Treatment


N.N. Cherenda, N.V. Bibik, V.M. Astashynski, A.M. Kuzmitski

Heat Transfer in Eutectic Silumin under the Action of Compression Plasma Flows


N.N. Cherenda, A.B. Petuh, D.P. Rusalsky, A.K. Kuleshov, V.V. Uglov,

I.A. Saladukhin, S.N. Grigoriev, A.A. Vereschaka, V.M. Astashinski, A.M. Kuzmitski Titanium Alloy Surface Relief Modification by Plasma Treatment


N.N. Cherenda, S.A. Tolkachov, N.V. Bibik, V.M. Astashinski, A.M. Kuzmitski

Changes in Composition, Structure and Properties of the Al-22Si Chromium-Coated Alloy Exposed to Compression Plasma Flows


V.V. Shevelyova, V.I. Shymanski

Structure and Phase Transformations in Zr-Nb Alloy after Plasma Treatment and High-Temperature Oxidation


V.I. Shymanski, A.S. Dovgalyuk

Tungsten and Copper Based Alloys Formation by Compression Plasma Flows


A.D. Shporin, O.M. Marchenko, A.P. Evseev, E.A. Vorobyova, Yu.V. Balakshin, D.K. Minnebaev, A.A. Shemukhin

The Effect of Radiation-Induced Defects on the Structure and Electrophysical Properties of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes


Ivan Schemerov, Alexander Polyakov, Anton Vasilyev, Anastasia Kochkova

Slow Photoconductivity Relaxation Observation in the Ga2O3 Films after Hydrogen Plasma Treatment


Ivan Schemerov, Petr Lagov, Svetlana Kobeleva, Viktor Kirilov

Optimization of the Transient Characteristics of the Rectifyers under High-Energy Electron Irradiation




Section 4

Nanomaterials: Formation and Properties under the Influence of Radiation

Lizaveta Dronina, Nikolai Kovalchuk, Ivan Komissarov, Evgenii Lutsenko, Aliaksandr Danilchyk, Serghej Prischepa 
Electrophysical Characteristics of Photodetector Based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes/Silicon Heterojunction


I. Tashlykova-Bushkevich, I. Stoliar, A. Bobryk

Formation and Properties of Island Aluminum-Iron Alloy Nanometer-Thick Films at         Ion-Assisted Deposition on Glass


Aleksandr Aksiuchyts, Olga Chernausik

Formation of a Hydrophobic Coating on theSurface of Glass


Ioann Ascheulov, Bahdan Ranishenka, Sergei Terekhov

Folic Acid Modification to Increase its Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Signal on Silver Nanostructures


Valery Bazarov, Evgeniy Begishev, Valery Valeev, Iskander Vakhitov, Amir Gumarov, Almaz Zinnatullin, Airat Kiiamov, Vladimir Nuzhdin, Rustam Khaibullin

The Microstructure, Magnetic and Electric Properties of Epitaxial TiO2 Films Implanted with Cobalt Ions.


N.A. Bosak, P.V. Shpak, A.N. Chumakov, L.V. Baran, V.V. Malutina-Bronskaya, V.S. Drobush, A.S. Kuzmitskaya

Surface Morphology, Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Nb2O5 Films


M. Gazizova, M. Zhidkov, N. Smirnov, S. Kudryashov

Effect of Femtosecond Laser Processing in Various Media on the Structure and Tribological Properties of Coating Tin


Peter Gaiduk

Laser-Induced Cellular Nano-Structures: a Platform for SiC/Si Heteroepitaxy


V.D. Zhivulko, A.V. Mudryi, I.D. Myalik, M.V. Yakushev, M.A. Sulimov

Photoluminescence of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films Implanted with Iow Energy Hydrogen Ions


D. Zagorskiy, I. Doludenko, G. Gorokhov, N. Valynets, A. Paddubskaya, D. Bychanok

The Obtaining of Metal-Polymer Composites and Investigation of Their Transmittance in Microwave Range


D. Zagorskiy, I. Doludenko, D. Khairetdinova, S. Lukkareva, O. Zhigalina, N. Perov, Yu. Alechina, V. Ovchinnikov, V. Kanevskiy, A. Muslimov

Obtaining of Nanowires Based on Track Membranes, Their Magnetic and Radiation Properties


D. Zagorskiy, I. Doludenko, S. Chigarv, L. Fomin, V. Krishtop, E. Vilkov

Investigation of the Possibility of Creating THz Radiation Generators and Receivers Based on an Array of NWS


A.D. Zamkovets, L.V. Baran, A.S. Kuz'mitskaya, V.V. Malyutina-Bronskaya, I.Yu. Frolov

Effect of Annealing on the Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Silver Nanostructures.


Sergei Zenkin, Alexander Gaydaychuk, Vlada Bulakh, Stepan Linnik

Effect of the MgO Addition on the Structure and Physical Properties of the High Entropy HfZrCeYO Ceramics


Sergey Zimin, Mikhail Tivanov, Nikolai Kolesnikov, Ildar Amirov,
Leonid Mazaletskiy, Viktor Naumov, Liudmila Lyashenko, Olga Korolik

Degradation of PbS Nanostructures Formed by the Method of Ion-Plasma Treatment


Yu.F. Ivanov, V.V. Shugurov, I.I. Azhazha, E.A. Petrikova, O.C. Tolkachev

Amorphous-Crystalline Coatings Based on Al-Mg-B Formed by the Ion-Plasma Method


Stanislav V. Konstantinov, Igor V. Chizhov, Valery A. Zaikov

Influence of Copper, Silicon and Carbon Additives on the Micromechanical Properties of TiAlN Coatings for Space Technologies


D.S. Korolev, K.S. Matyunina, A.A. Nikolskaia, R.N. Kriukov, A.I. Belov, A.N. Mikhaylov, A.A. Sushkov, D.A. Pavlov, D.I. Tetelbaum

Investigation of the Properties of Ion-Synthetized Gallium Oxide Nanoinclusions


A.V. Kushnerou, V.A. Kukareko

Fretting Wear of Nanostructured TiZrN Coatings Deposited by Magnetron Spraying


Andrey Leonov, Yuliya Denisova, Vasily Tishchenko, Mikhail Savchuk

Increasing the Wear Resistance of Cr12MoV Die Steel by Combined Ion-Plasma Treatment


Andrey Leonov, Viktor Savostikov, Vladimir Denisov, Yuliya Denisova,
Anatoly Skosyrsky, Mikhail Savchuk

Properties of Vacuum-ARC Coatings of (Zr or Cr + TiBSiNi)N Compositions Produced in Beam-Plasma Formation


M.G. Lukashevich, Yu. A. Bumai, L. Dingcheng, A.V. Yuschik, N.M. Lyadov, I.A. Fayzrakhmanov, R.I. Khaibullin

Peculiarities of Galvanomagnetic Effects in Thin Iron Films Formed on Quartz Substrates by the Ion-Assisted Deposition


O.M. Mikhalkovich, S.M. Baraishuk, T.M. Tkachenko

Investigation of the Properties of Mo-Based Film on Si Substrate for Prepare of Thin-Film Ir Emitter


A.V. Mudryi, V.D. Zhivulko, V.A. Zinovyev, A.F. Zinovieva, Zh.V. Smagina, A.V. Dvurechenskii

Photoluminescence of Ge/Si Quantum Dots at Epitaxy from Ion-Molecular Beams


E.N. Muratova, A.A. Shemukhin, Yu.V. Balakshin, A.P. Evseev, V.A. Moshnikov

Interaction of Ion Radiation with Nanoporous Matrices of Anodic Alumina


A. Mukhammad, P. Gaiduk

Plasmon Absorption of Ir Radiation in Structures with an Island Surface Layer


A.A. Nevar, M.I. Nedelko, N.A. Bosak, N.V. Tarasenko

Plasma Assisted Fabrication of Silicon-Carbon Composites for Anodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries


A.Yu. Panarin, I.I. Ascheulov, S.N. Terekhov

Sers Efficiency for Differently Charged Analytes Adsorbed on the Surface of Hydroxyapatite-Silver Nanocomposites


M.V. Palonski, M.V. Lobanok, P.I. Gaiduk

Photoelectric Characteristics of the N-3С-SiC/N-Si Heterojunction


V.Yu. Slabukho, A.K. Fedotov, J.A. Fedotova

Hopping Conductivity in SiO2 Layers Implanted with In+ and Sb+ Ions


V.A. Stratanovich, V.A. Shelestova, V.M. Makarenko, E.M. Tolstopyatov, L.F. Ivanov, D.V. Brel

Influence of Technological Modes on the Growth Rate of Fluoropolymer Layers during Plasma Polymerization of Octafluorocyclobutane


Maxim Syrtanov, Egor Kashkarov, Dmitriy Krotkevich, Nahum Travitzky

Laminated Nb/Ti3Al(Si)C2-TiC Composites: Structure and Phase State, Mechanical Properties, in situ Synchrotron XRD


N. Tarasenko, S. Pashayan, V. Anishchik, A. Butsen, V. Kornev, N. Tarasenko

Formation of Copper Oxide Nanostructures by Laser Ablation in Liquid Media


Dilnoza Tashmukhamedova, Akbar Abduvayitov, Mahsuna Yusupjanova, Khurshid Boltaev, Baltohodja Umirzakov

Obtaining Ultrathin Contacts on the Surface of Semiconductors


I.E. Tyschenko, Zh. Si, S. Cherkova, V.P. Popov

Photoluminescence and Atom Profiles in the In+ and As+ co-Implanted SiO2 Films


I.E. Tyschenko, R. Zhang, A.K. Gutakovskii, V.I. Vdovin, V.A. Volodin, V.P. Popov Phase Formation in the In+ and Sb+ Ion-Implanted Silicon-on-Insulator Structures


А.А. Khomich, О.S. Кudryavtsev, М.V. Kozlova

Raman Spectra of Radiation-Modified Diamonds and Detonation Nanodiamonds


Liudmila Khoroshko, Aleksey Baglov, Olga Korolik

Interionic Terbium Interaction in a Cubic Crystalline Environment


Vadzim Chayeuski, Valery Zhylinski, Victor Kazachenko

Formation and Properties of DLC/TiN Coatings on Hard Alloy



Section 5 Methods, Equipment, Plasma and Radiation Technologies

Long GuJinyang LiXingkang Su

Advance Particle Radiotherapy Technology – BNCT & PT from Ray System Corporation


Andrey Stepanov, Sergey Pavlov, Vladislav Tarbokov, Fedor Konusov, Maksim Serebrennikov

The Ion Emission from the Plasma Formed in Ferroelectric Source


B.N. Azamatov, A.A. Borisov, D. Kaliyev, B. Maratuly, S.V. Plotnikov, S.O. Rudenko

Magnetron Deposition of Copper Based Coatings with Controlled Release of Antibacterial Material


A.A. Andronov, D.B. Zolotukhin, A.V. Tyunkov, Yu.G. Yushkov

Investigation of the Characteristics of Coatings Based on Boron Synthesized by the Electron-Beam Method


Zh.T. Bugybay, N.K. Romanova, Sh.H. Gizatulin, M.T. Aitkulov, A.A. Shaimerdenov Computational and Experimental Simulation of the Irradiation Device Designed to Form a Uniform Neutron Field


Ruslan Gafarov, Valentin Shekhovtsov, Oleg Volokitin, Gennady Volokitin

Synthesis of Mullite by the Plasma Melting Method of Aluminosilicate Powders


V.K Goncharov, M.V. Puzyrev

Regimes of Nanostructures Formation from a Laser-Plasma Ion Source at Low Potentials of the Controlling Electric Field


Andrei Zanka, Dmitriy Kotov, Vladimir Kolos, Konstantin Logunov, Nikita Leonovich Pulsed Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Thermosensitive Vanadium Oxide Films


Denis Zolotov, Irina Dyachkova, Olga Zhigalina, Dmitriy Khmelenin, Varvara Labis

X-Ray and Electron Microscopic Studies of Metal Particle Emission from Dental Implant Surfaces


Yan Zubavichus, Eugene Levichev, Valerii Bukhtiyarov

Synchrotron Radiation Source SKIF in Science City of Koltsovo in Novosibirsk Region: Project Implementation Status


N.N. Koval, Yu.H. Akhmadeev, V.V. Denisov, M.S. Vorobyov, V.N. Devyatkov, E.V. Ostroverkhov, S.S. Kovalsky, V.V. Yakovlev

Ion-Plasma, Electron-Beam and Complex Facilities for Surface Modification of Materials


T.V. Koval, S.S. Kovalskiy, E.V. Ostroverkhov

Plasma Generation in a High-Current Glow Discharge with a Hollow Cylindrical Cathode Using Two Electron Sources


Alexey Kolomiytsev, Alena Kotosonova

Focused Ion Beam as a Technology of Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Probe Tip Formation


Vitaly Ksenevich, Maria Samarina, Vladimir Dorosinets, Lizaveta Shchur, Dzmitry Adamchuk, Gulmurza Abdurakhmanov

Synthesis of Amorphous and Polycrystalline Tin Oxide Films for Applications as Thermoelectric Materials


Artem Leivi, Ekaterina Fomina, Eugene Yakovlev

Method for Depositing Thin Metal Coatings during Treatment with Intense Energy Flows


N.V. Leonovich, A.I. Zanka

Reactor for Plasma-Chemical Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings


S. Maksimenko, D. Adamchuk, M.I. Demidenko, A.G. Poddubskaya, V.K. Ksenevich Plasma Coatings of Pyrocarbon Doped with Boron: Synthesis and Structural Properties


S. Maksimenko, D. Adamchuk, M. Demidenko, G. Drobyshev

X-Ray Contrasting of Boron-Doped Pyrolytic Carbon


A.M. Nazarov, A.I. Kamardin, Sh.U. Pulatov, A.Kh. Sharipov

Research of the Parameters of Oxide Metal Coatings Produced by the Ion-Plasma Method


Aleksandr Ovsenev, Mikhail Gladkikh, Nikita Smolnikov, Mikhail Anikin, Ivan Lebedev, Artem Naymushin

Experimental Determination of the Neutron Flux Density of the 4-th Channel of the Cyclic Accelerator P7-M


M.P. Patapovich, M.A. Malets, N.H. Trinh, N.A. Laptsevich

Features of Deposition of Multicomponent Nanostructures on a Metal Surface by Dual Laser Pulses to Create Gas-Sensitive Sensors


V.E. Rogalin, V.Yu. Zheleznov, T.V. Malinskiy, Yu.V. Khomich, E.E.  Ashkinazi, D.N. Sovyk, E.V. Zavedeev, S.V. Fedorov, A.P. Litvinov

Treatment of WC-Co Alloy with Nanosecond Ultraviolet Laser Pulses before Deposition of Diamond Coating


A.V. Tyunkov, D.B. Zolotukhin, Yu.G. Yushkov

The Effect of Nitriding in the Electron Beam Plasma on the Structural Phase Composition of the 40X Steel Surface.


Andrey Tyunkov, Yury Yushkov, Denis Zolotukhin

Electron-Beam Synthesis in Fore-Vacuum and Magnetic Properties of Thin Nickel Coating


V.V. Shakialeuski, K.T. Logunov, D.A. Kotov

Uniformity of Deposited Ultrathin Coatings Formed by Magnetron Sputtering.


V.V. Shekhovtsov, N.K. Skripnikova, A.B. Ulmasov, O.A. Kunts

Synthesis of Materials Based on the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 Compound by Plasma Melting Method